Monday, March 26, 2012

the start of something so, so good

Well, I've officially "sort of" settled into my dorm-room living lifestyle. I fucking LOVE it. I didn't know if I would get all of this (from a almost 1,000 sq foot 1 bedroom + queen size bed)....

Into a 12' x 11' ROOM. Yes, ROOM. I'm not sure I would even consider my new place a studio. I swear my college dorm was bigger. The good news is...IT FITS! The only issue I am faced with is clothes. The closet space is full and I still have jeans, workout clothes, sweaters and a huge box of other clothes that need to find a home. Yes, I have a minor addiction to shopping. And this is on top of getting rid of almost 20 bags of clothes. Again, yes, I understand I have a problem. I can admit it. Eh, I like it :)

I unpacked everything very quickly (shocking!), with the exception of the clothes mentioned above. Lots of organization and shifting of shit needs to happen, but that's the fun part. And a trip to The Container Store will hopefully be welcome inspiration.

Oh and Jaspy loves it! Look at him!

I was able to get out and explore the new neighborhood on Sunday. I am IN LOVE. It is seriously amazing. Why did I live downtown for so long? This is where it's at for me. I can hear kids playing and birds chirping. People say hi and this is their neighborhood too. I think because everyone who you see out and about lives here, they want it to be a good environment, unlike downtown where a lot of people are visiting/tourists. It feels really, really good. The first time since moving to Chicago, I can officially say that I feel settled. I am where I am supposed to be.

Not only are clothes/shoes an addiction, my love for Intelligentsia (coffee place!!) is quite intense. I mean, look how cute it is...

The money I am saving in rent, will easily be spent here. hehe. It's amazing, amazing coffee. Well lattes are the only thing I've had, but I've heard the coffee is unbelievable. They are experts at their craft. I also discovered at least three independent coffee shops that I want to try as well, if I can tear myself away from here. It taste so, so good. 

A lot of changes are on the horizon for me and I very much look forward to embracing them with open arms. I am so incredibly happy, it's sort of nauseating. My new place, my boy (who also moved into this building!!) and my friends and family sure are making me smile from a very warm place in my heart. 

A common term I will use for the rest of my life is "I'm living in my rainbow." It's my time to shine and get the most out of life that I possibly can, because I sure know that life is certainly too short. 

1 comment:

  1. May I ask, not to be too nose-y, but how much did rent cost for your room? (It's just a room?)
    I've been wanting to move back to the north side of Chicago ever since leaving back in the 90s. I don't know what to expect though, money wise.
